21 апреля 2020 в 09:50
The new solutions that the company is working on are smaller growing systems
Juan Gabriel Succar
Verde Compacto co-founder

With the coronavirus spread and possible food deficit in the background own vegetable garden becomes more valuable, assuring a certain psychological comfort in the middle of global panic. Vertical farms and urban agriculture are high-maintenance items, which in fact are suitable for growing of limited amount of crops. But interest in them only picks up: among entrepreneurs and usual consumers.

We have already mentioned, that Russian company iFarm, producing vertical farms and modules for herb and vegetable production, has noted a spike in interest towards the mini-farms. The company has already found it high-potential to downsize farms to keep up with the demand of residential complex and townhouse village communities. The same position is upheld by Mexican startup Huvster, created by Verde Compacto. Its co-founder Juan Gabriel Succar told AGRO.RU about the impact of CoVID-19 on urban agriculture development.

Has CoVID-19 affected your work? Inwhichway?

Definitely, COVID-19 has impacted industries all around the world, the goal is to adapt fast and keep up with your company during these challenging times. In Verde Compacto we had to adapt our work strategy in different ways:

1. Home office, the whole team has been working hard from home since 4 weeks ago. The management team we have been proud of all our team members because all have been able to adapt to do their job from home and have video meetings, where in-house productivity hasn't stopped Verde Compacto to move forward. This has been a great opportunity to find new work mechanisms and tools.

2. Production site. In Verde Compacto's assembly site, the work has slowed down but hasn't stopped. The production team that is working on site is shifting their working hours so no more than 3 people are there supervising suppliers. Verde Compacto's customer support and compromise is very important, we know that the IIIIhuvsters that are on the production line are going to transform the lives of their users as a new business model and the only way to help them is to deliver on time so they can start fueling their cash flow as soon as possible. 

3. Sales. New coming projects have behaved in a bipolar way, first we have the projects that have been slowing down because of the situation, where the client wants to wait until the economy grows back again. There are also other projects that have been slowing down because third parties such as banks, business partners and other stakeholders have been working slower. But the interesting part here is that there are other projects that since the COVID-19 started want a IIIIhuvster more than ever and they want it fast! This because they see the wave of opportunity where now people worry more about what they eat and the impact it has to their health and local produce is getting more and more appreciated due to the risk on distribution chains and this trend will continue to grow even after the quarantine. So the team is adapting to finding new ways to close these projects remotely.

Do you have any troubles with component parts, if you are buying them abroad? Or are there any troubles with delivery of your goods, if you have clients in other countries?

Yes, since the COVID-19 international supplies have slowed down, because of the reduction in the manufacturing plants and also because now international payments are being reviewed closely and they take longer to get to the supplier impacting our delivery times. This has affected also our clients and the international projects that we are starting are taking longer than before, due to the reception of their payments.

Do you expect a spike of demand for your systems?

What the world is going through is changing the society way of thinking, we are discovering that this challenge is growing the consciousness of people on worrying more about their health, what they eat, how their food is grown, where does it come from, if is polluted with chemicals that are harmful for their health and the environment so local food production will be increasing its value to respond the consumer needs in a new and sustainable way. So this is why in Verde Compacto we are preparing for the increase in demand of our IIIIhuvsters and custom made growing systems at the same time we are developing new strategies so our customers can give a better user experience to their consumers and to bring new solutions to the market to promote food security all over the world.

This segment is growing and is growing fast! This is why profitable urban agriculture is evolving in this direction. The new solutions that the company is working on are smaller growing systems that can be installed in any home, so families can grow fresh and highly nutritious vegetables anytime, anywhere. 

There are farmers that see this as a great opportunity because the trend is growing fast and it will continue to grow even after the quarantine. In Verde Compacto we are working to send this message to our future growers so more people can offer fresh and highly nutritional vegetables grown near consumers. The opportunity to get on the wave is now! Our lifestyle is changing and the COVID-19 changed us, indoor urban agriculture is now more important than ever!

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